

15 / 06 2023

Sustainable packaging is an important link in the circular economy in Vietnam

Speaking at the workshop, Mr. Nguyen Van Viet, President of VBA said that the Law on Environmental Protection, which was passed by the National Assembly on November 17, 2020, and takes effect from January 1, 2022, has some new point, which includes many regulations that contribute to changing technology, behavior and habits in all aspects of socio-economic activities, towards the development of sustainable economic growth models. , promote circular economy, restore and develop natural capital.

According to a VBA representative, the circular economy and sustainable development are not only the application of technology, but also ensure the “rebirth” of raw materials, the environment, culture and life for people. At the same time, circular economy and sustainable development must be carried out throughout the supply chain from input materials to final products. This is an opportunity and a challenge for businesses, including those in the beverage industry.

According to statistics, each year, the amount of waste generated is nearly 35,000 tons of urban solid waste and 34,000 tons of rural domestic waste. According to the World Bank’s 2023 report, Vietnam is estimated to waste nearly 3 billion USD per year because it does not recycle plastic waste from daily life alone. And organic waste is estimated to waste more than 30 billion USD per year when nearly 70% is not recycled… Making full use of this waste source certainly brings benefits to all parties.

“The beverage industry will benefit from the application of the circular economy with potential products such as wort, waste yeast, packaging, plastic pallets, trash cans. Sustainability is becoming a core value in the industry. activities of businesses in the beverage industry, helping businesses define their vision and strategic direction. … with millions of dollars spent on these activities in recent years and won many awards in the past few years. national and international on responsible business (CSR) and sustainable development according to environmental – social – governance (ESG) criteria”, emphasized Mr. Nguyen Van Viet.

Mai Thanh Dung, Deputy Director of the Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment, said that in the spirit of proactively seeking solutions associated with reality, accompanies the Government to promote the application of the circular economy in the region. production, business and consumption, contributing to the harmonious settlement of the relationship between economy and environment, the conference is a useful opportunity for relevant units in the beverage industry to share and discuss research results. research on sustainable packaging.

According to Deputy Director Mai Thanh Dung, circular economy is one of the priority and important solutions outlined in the central policy orientations and environmental protection legislation in Vietnam. Applying the circular economy in the beverage industry contains many high potentials and new opportunities for businesses operating in this field. Businesses can apply circular economy solutions right from the design, material selection, product design, distribution, consumption, and recovery processes to ensure maximum reductions. Multi-use of raw materials and materials, prolonging product life cycle, limiting waste generation and adverse impacts on the environment.

At the Workshop, participants focused on discussing the Circular Economy Policy Framework and Approach for the Beverage Sector in Vietnam; introduce research on Sustainable Packaging Solutions in Vietnam; Current status of beverage packaging recycling rate in Vietnam and circular economy opportunities.

Mr. Souvik Bhattacharjya, Deputy Director of the Institute of Energy and Resources of India, leader of the research group on Sustainable Packaging Solutions in Vietnam, said that the research results provide deeper insights into packaging options. beverage packaging and their sustainability implications, helping stakeholders in the production chain make the right choices, reducing environmental impact and supporting the circular economy. This research is of particular significance because of the growing demand for packaging solutions geared towards protecting the environment. The study’s findings highlight the need to strengthen recirculation systems, focus on technologically feasible recycled content, and maximize refill cycles of bottles designed to Reuse

Mr. Amit Lahoti, Senior Commercial Director and General Manager – Asia, Ball Beverage Packaging Group added: “In Vietnam, more than 77% of aluminum cans are being collected for recycling and TBC-Ball cans are being recycled. evaluated in this study contained more than 76% recycled material. On this basis, we are delighted that aluminum cans achieved the highest cyclic material score.”

According to the assessment, this research has special significance because of the increasing demand for packaging solutions towards environmental protection. The study’s findings highlight the need to strengthen recirculation systems, focus on technologically feasible recycled content, and maximize refill cycles of bottles designed to Reuse.