

15 / 06 2023


It is a fact that plastic bags or plastic packaging are not safe for the environment. They are not easy to recycle. They can pose a number of health hazards. And there’s a lot that can go against plastic bags.

However, for today’s life, it is undeniable that plastic bags are the most convenient and convenient packaging option for businesses and consumers. From shopping, retail to packaging, plastic bags are used around the world on a large scale. Nearly 500 billion plastic bags are used every year and most of them are used for shopping purposes.

Therefore, the benefits of plastic bags cannot be ignored just because they pose a threat to the environment.

Here, we’ve weighed in on the benefits of plastic bags for both retailers and customers:

Good for branding:

If you run a store or supermarket, you can easily print your business name, logo and other information on plastic bags. And the good thing is that it is very simple to make changes to the design.

Price of plastic packaging is cheaper than paper or cloth packaging:

A plastic bag will cost no more than 1,000 VND, much cheaper than a paper bag that costs 5,000 VND or more each. You have to spend several tens of thousands or even up to a few hundred for reusable cloth bags. This means that buying plastic bags in bulk will benefit your small business and your bottom line.

Faster opening and packing:

Plastic bags open, pack and double faster, saving you seconds. This is why they are widely used by busy cashiers to keep lines moving efficiently. In addition, plastic bags take up less space than paper bags, both for storage and cashiering. In contrast to plastic bags, reusable cloth bags take up more space and are significantly heavier.


Most plastic bags are biodegradable, which means they can be broken down in a reasonable amount of time when thrown in the waste. They decompose in three years while the average time for a regular plastic bag to completely decompose is at least 500 years. This is because biodegradable bags are broken down by bacteria or other living organisms. Biodegradable plastic bags leave no trace and are safe for the environment.

Consumes less energy:

The production process of plastic bags saves energy while the percentage of solid waste is less. Plastic bags consume 40% less energy to generate and produce 70% less solid waste than paper bags.

Durable and weatherproof:

Plastic bags are known for their durability. They are less prone to tearing and are resistant to many chemicals. Plastic bags are better than paper or cloth bags when it comes to protecting the contents inside from rain or water.

So here are some amazing advantages of using plastic bags for your business and home.

Despite being an affordable and durable packaging solution, plastic bags end up in landfills and oceans and pollute the planet.

In this case, you should reuse the plastic bags as much as possible before throwing them away. Let the rest recycle.

It will help you avoid many of the downsides of using plastic bags, such as their percentage to waste and their biodegradability when thrown away. It will also slow down the rate at which waste is piled up in landfills and the ocean.

Plastic bags have so many benefits and by recycling them thoroughly, both consumers and businesses can benefit from using them in an eco-friendly way.

Today, with the efforts of scientists over decades, we humans have a very meaningful improvement solution that is “The solution to turn plastic back into oil”.

The solution turns plastic back into oil. Madness or greatness?

Dionisios G.Vlacho – Professor of physics at the University of Dalaware (USA) has invented a technique called pyrolysis. In a study published in the Journal of Scientific Research Advancements, his team may have come up with a “cracking” way to treat plastic. It essentially melts the polyolefin back to its original form as oil and gas.

Polylefin is a very common plastic in everyday items from straws, packaging, thermos to plastic covers. It accounts for two-thirds of the world’s plastic demand. While plastics account for only 14% of oil demand today, it is expected to account for half of the world’s oil needs by 2050.

Hạn chế rác thải nhựa: Sớm luật hóa nghĩa vụ của doanh nghiệp

Many plastic waste is not treated and turned into waste

The study details a new type of technique for processing single-use plastics. The researchers say it’s possible to break down all kinds of hard-to-recycle plastics, including bottles and polyethylene bags, into liquefied oil.

One of the most remarkable things about the new technique is it can decompose plastic at lower temperatures than other pyrolysis methods. This helps turn the plastic into a more dense fuel and uses 2-3 times less energy than conventional methods.

Professor Vlachos said, most previous studies have focused on very high energy-demanding processes with temperatures between 400 and 800 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, the technique his team applied can be performed. works with a temperature of 225 degrees Celsius and the end result is “nearly ready-to-use fuel for cars, trucks or airplanes and as lubricants”.

Determining an efficient method to produce any useful fuel such as gasoline, oil or more complex lubricants from plastic is a big achievement for the researchers.

“This is the first modern technology capable of taking some of the most stubborn plastics and reusing them into something truly useful. This is also the best method to reuse single-use plastics such as product packaging made of polyethylene as well as polypropylene. Vlachos said.

Turn plastic back into oil

Refineries can now conveniently produce plastic, converting energy-rich oil into the long carbon chains needed to create durable and lightweight plastic bags and containers. However, reversing this process is not a simple matter.

When you throw away plastic, you can use fire to destroy it but it will create pollution, So how exactly can low energy density plastic be converted back into high energy density oil?

“It’s a reverse refining process,” emphasized Vlachos. His way is to use two elements zeolite and platinum to power up the plastic just before and after the conversion is over. This method “breaks” the long carbon chains in the plastic into short chains, which are much more functionally useful. It’s simple to “improve” the oil even in the long carbon chains. However, it is really difficult to break them again.

Basically, platinum does the first split, then the zeolite acts further. Combining the acidity of the zeolite with the platinum nanoparticles, a liquid hydrocarbon (aka oil) is obtained with very few by-products. They are capable of obtaining an optimum amount of liquid of 85% of the original product, with most of the remainder being vented.

Changing the ratio of 2 elements platinum and zeolite allows to optimize the combination obtained to create many different types of gasoline.

Solutions for the environment

Vlachos said it takes 300 half-liter plastic cans to make one gallon of fuel, or the number of plastic cans loaded on two pickup trucks will produce gasoline to fill the tank. A license for this procedure has been submitted and further studies are underway. However, Mr. Vlachos claims that commercial effect can be achieved in 5-10 years. At the same time, it is very important to remove contaminants such as food waste in recycled plastic.

Countless amounts of plastic are returning to landfills and every year the quantity increases dramatically. Therefore, if the above research is put into application, it will bring hope to businesses in the energy industry.

source: tapchimoitruong